Update: Bitcoin (GBTC) Trading System

Bitcoin: All The Profit - A Fraction Of The Risk - In Your Brokerage Account 

The GBTC buy signal of October 31st is still in force, now showing a return of 104%. Adding this latest month of gains to the totals, starting with the Februray 23, 2017 buy signal, $1,000 has become $14,137 for a net return of 1,314%.

02.23.17  Buy  $116.  +5%

03.08.17  Sell  $122

04.11.17  Buy  $126  +200%

06.12.17  Sell  $383  

07.21.17  Buy  $411 +120%

09.01.17  Sell  $901

10.31.17  Buy  $816  +104%

12.01.17 Open $1,665